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Trainings & courses to deepen your dharma.

Life force activation facilitator training
in Stockholm

5/11 9/11-24 With Julia Bergh & Afsoon Pouya.
This training is hosted in Swedish.

LFA, or Life Force Activation, is a transformative energy modality that harnesses universal life force energy, revealing our true essence, allowing personal growth, healing, and spiritual awakening. Through energy work based on sacred ancient energy used in a contemporary way, LFA aims to activate and balance the body’s energy centers, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, as well as expansion of consciousness and self-realization.

This training is perfect for you if you’re ready to dive deeper into Life Force Activation (LFA), whether for your own personal growth or to become a certified facilitator.


50hr Yin yoga teacher training at
ayäm studio, Stockholm

15-17/11 & 22-24/11-24 With Anna Viktoria Åkerlund.

Welcome to deepen your understanding of the profound power in Yin Yoga, where ancient wisdom meets modern science.

Yin teaches us about the depth, insight and wisdom that arise when we settle into stillness. As the counterpart of yang – its gentle, allowing and supportive qualities can help us release tension and move through life with more acceptance, resilience and inner strength.


50hr Shake the dust teacher training at
ayäm studio, Stockholm

26-30/3-24 With Satu Tuomela.

This is a transformative and embodied practice of the BODYHEARTMIND

Through guided poetic universe with a theme related to each practice, we journey between perpetual movement, rest, release and free movement.


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